Thursday 11 June 2020

UFO Paper:
“Nuclear Connection Project
NCP Paper
NCP-10: Nuclear Historical Correlative Research”

By Robert Duvall

Quote from the paper:
“Do UFO respond to our political will in the arena of nuclear weapons? It is inevitable to compare the onset of prolific UFO activity of the last 60 or so years to our acquiring nuclear weapons capability. In making that comparison it is essential to realize the possibility that an historical relationship could exist, and to at least perform a study to make that determination. This paper’s primary goal is the introduction of the historical correlative concept and represents a small sample of such a study. This paper also provides topic organizational structure allowing the data to be collected in a fashion that is easily applied to historical research. Although much progress has been made towards firming this approach, not all topics have received correlative attention as of this writing.

Why choose military sighting data? The significance of military sightings is imbedded in the high quality of the observation and documentation, the consistency of the types of activity, and most important, the notice taken by the chain of command. Engaging the military of a state is the most direct way of getting attention  – all the way to the top. It is apparent that direct contact with leaders of states today is rare or probably nonexistent. Any sighting at or near to a state’s capital should therefore be treated as extremely significant. Most normal UFO activity occurs in fashions not meant to attract attention, such as in the guise of night or in remote areas, or so brief in length as to make it nearly impossible to ascertain anything from the sighting. When discovered, UFO usually end any observation by leaving quickly. Yet military engagement is direct, specific in type and location, often having duration indicating the intent to acquire full attention. Repetition of specific activities related to military could very well be attempts to relate or demonstrate clear superiority, concern over policy/decisions, and, with the more aggressive activity, a conveyance of warnings. That cannot be ignored as a distinct possibility. This is the case with UFO activity related directly to nuclear technology, weaponry and the associated political prowess.”

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Robert Duvall