“Worldwide Sightings Reported -
UFOs Follow Patterns Established In 1896-‘97”,
20 October 1973 (The Pittsburgh Press, Pennsylvania)
This is a news article regarding the 1973 U.S. (and worldwide) UFO wave and previous U.S. UFO waves:
The U.S. experienced a massive UFO wave during the second
half of 1973. UFO sightings also increased worldwide in 1973,
compared to the previous few years.
In the U.S. many of the UFOs were sighted by both government officials and civilians. In addition, many UFOs were registered on radar. And many of the world’s best UFO photographs (several can be found on the Web) were taken in 1973.
The article is written by the late John A. Keel, U.S. UFO author and researcher.
This disk shaped UFO (with a dome on top) was photographed over a farm in South Carolina on 7 March 1973
(How Stuff Works.com photo)