Sunday 7 June 2020

UFO Video Interview:
“Robert Bigelow interview – Aug. 28, 2019”

Published: 29 May 2020
(Mystery Wire, KLAS-TV, Las Vegas, Nevada)

Source: Mystery Wire (YouTube channel)

Most of the interview is about Bigelow Aerospace.

The discussion about UFOs starts at 29:07.

Related posts:

(Image: George Knapp/KLAS-TV)

UFO Article (Blog):
“The Bigelow Foundation –
UAP, abductions and more”

By Keith Basterfield, 22 May 2020
(UFOs – scientific research, Campbelltown,
New South Wales, Australia)

Quote from the article:

The earliest incarnation of Robert T. Bigelow’s public interest in UAP, and other diverse topics, was The Bigelow Foundation.

Recently, Angela Thompson Smith, PhD, appeared as a guest on Erica Lukes’ radio show ‘UFO Classified.’ Angela worked at The Bigelow Foundation between October 1992 and April 1994. She was kind enough to send me a copy of a report she prepared on her time with the Foundation. This report appeared in the 4th Annual Crash Retrieval Conference Proceedings, 2006, Las Vegas, Nevada, pp 193-205.

There is much fascinating material in the report, but for the purposes of this blog post I will extract the relevant parts concerning UAP.”

Wikipedia article: “Robert Bigelow”:

Wikipedia article: “National Institute for Discovery Science”:

Wikipedia article: “Bigelow Aerospace”:

Related posts:

Robert T. Bigelow, Founder, Bigelow Aerospace 
(Image: CNBC/

(Image: National Institute for Discovery Science/