Sunday 2 February 2020

Google Website Searches/
Website Searches:
Focus On This Blog’s Posts Regarding
U.S. Government/Other Governments
UFO Documents

I present this post so that UFO researchers and others can easily find the government UFO documents I have reported on.

You will find this post under “GOVERNMENT UFO DOCUMENTS” (in the column to the right).

(Search term: “U.S. Government UFO Document” -10073 (Project Blue Book cases not included))

(“U.S. Government UFO Documents” -10073 (Project Blue Book cases not included))

(“PROJECT 10073” (Project Blue Book cases))

(“Government UFO Document” -U.S. (U.S. government UFO documents not included))

(“Government UFO Documents” -U.S. (U.S. government UFO documents not included))

(“U.S. Government UFO Document” -10073 (Project Blue Book cases not included))

(“U.S. Government UFO Documents” -10073 (Project Blue Book cases not included))

(“PROJECT 10073” (Project Blue Book cases))

(“Government UFO Document” -U.S. (U.S. government UFO documents not included))“Government+UFO+Documents”+-U.S.
(“Government UFO Documents” -U.S. (U.S. government UFO documents not included))

(U.S. Army Air Forces/ image)

( image)