“UFO group to discuss Madison mystery”,
16 November 2008 (Ashtabula Star-Beacon, Ohio)
Ashtabula Star-Beacon reports on a UFO that was sighted over Madison Township, Ohio:
Quote from the article:
“Aaron Clark is one of many UFO investigators and a member of the Cleveland Ufology Project. It’s not a flash in the pan group. It’s been around since 1952.
‘It’s interesting that is was near a nuclear power plant,’ he said. ‘We have been getting lots of reports (of UFOs) all over Ohio.’ ”
Madison Township in Gibsonburg is situated near the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station.
Wikipedia article:
“Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station”:
Aerial view of the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station
near Port Clinton, Ohio (blog.cleveland.com photo)