Monday 16 December 2019

UFO Article:
“UFO’s On Radar”

By Micah Hanks, 26 March 2017
(KGRA Digital Broadcasting, Ogden, Utah)

In this article, Hanks mentions the 13-14 August 1956 RAF Bentwaters, UK; December 1980 Rendlesham Forest, UK (RAF Bentwaters and RAF Woodbridge); 8 March 1994 South West Michigan and 14 December 1994 Trumbull County, Ohio, radar UFO incidents.

Quote from the article:
“To end on a hopeful note, in instances where radar traces match the visual record of objects seen within a given timeframe and vicinity, one would hope that having both sets of data, at least in circumstances where visual conditions are favorable, might lend credence to the idea that physical objects were indeed present, at least in some of the better UFO reports involving radar over the years.”

Related posts:

From Michael D. Swords’ 2012 article about the 8 March 1994 South West Michigan UFO case (
(I report about this article on 15 August 2017):
“The map at the left [the above map] shows the approximate locations of the NOAA radar station [at ‘A’], the most famous of the observations [by the Graves family, at the pink dewdrop], and several of the other reported sightings, marked with yellow circles, all of which were reported as happening at or VERY near 9:30pm. Rather astonishing. And I believe a little known fact about this case. It was as if Western Michigan ‘lit up’ with UFOs at the same time.”
( image)