Saturday 4 May 2019

UFO News Article & TV News Report:
“Ganadero asegura que ovnis
perjudican su hacienda en Guarayos”
(“Livestock ensures that UFOs
damage their farm in Guarayos”)

4 April 2019
(Red Uno de Bolivia, La Paz, Bolivia)

Red Uno reports on the UFOs which recently have been sighted over the ranch of Freddy Rodríguez near Ascensión de Guarayos, Bolivia.

The UFOs (at least 10 or 15) (sighted from 6:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.) have lighted up all the paddocks, and when Rodríguez went to a paddock – he was illuminated by a UFO.

Rodríguez claimed that four bulls had disappeared. That means that the UFO case could possibly involve cattle mutilation.

The TV report contains UFO videos.

(Source: RED UNO DE BOLIVIA (YouTube channel))

English translation (by Google Translate):

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Satellite photo of Ascensión de Guarayos, Bolivia (
( photo)