Friday, 3 May 2019
UFO TV News Report:
“Propietario y vaqueros insisten en
presencia de ovnis en una propiedad”
(“Owner and cowboys insist on the
presence of UFOs on property”)
Published: 5 April 2019
(Red Uno de Bolivia, La Paz , Bolivia )
Source: RED UNO
(YouTube channel)
Red Uno reports on the UFOs which recently have been
sighted over the farm of Freddy Rodríguez near Ascensión de Guarayos , Bolivia .
Rodríguez said he ordered one of his cowboys to fire a
shotgun at one of the unknown objects. The bullet had no effect on the object –
but the UFO ascended into the air after the shot had been fired. After
Rodríguez had turned the truck around, they saw the UFO up close, and it shone
a light on them.
The TV report contains UFO videos.
Related posts:
A Red Uno reporter interviews Freddy Rodríguez
(Red Uno de Bolivia/ image)