Tuesday, 12 February 2019
UFO Case Directory (RADCAT):
“Object Just Off The Water /
Radar Tracked From Boat
July 5, 1979
Gulf of Alaska, S. of Seward, Alaska”
The whole UFO case report:
“Carl Feindt:
July 5, 1979 - Gulf of Alaska
2:45 a.m. They were halibut fishing south of Seward , Alaska .
A super bright object came down through the clouds and became stationary close
to the water. At the same time a target appeared on their radar at about two
miles distant, a really strong target. All of a sudden the radar heading was
knocked off of its setting and one of the crew had to reset it. It was a bright
glowing object with a bowl-like shape which faded out and simultaneously
disappeared from the radar screen, then reappeared visually and on radar. The
radar heading was knocked off when the object approached the boat. The object
was only a couple of feet off the water. The incident lasted for about five
minutes and the radar was picking up a strong signal.”