Friday 8 February 2019

Google Website Searches:
Focus On UFOs Performing Stop-Start Manoeuvres

Website: National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena (

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Website: National UFO Reporting Center (

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Website: UFO Casebook (

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Website: UFO DNA (
(NOTE: Some of the reports come from

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Website: Archives For the Unexplained (

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(Stopping Starting) UFO case directory (Distant Encounters):
“Object, Anomalistic Motion
Dec. 17, 1957
Fruita-Grand Junction, Colorado

The whole UFO case report:
Brad Sparks:
Dec. 17, 1957; Fruita-Grand Junction, Colo. (BBU 5559)
7:20 p.m. F. G. Hickman, 17, saw a round object change from yellow to white to green to red, with red tail 2x as long as the body. Object  stopped, started, backed up. (Berliner) 45 mins

Fran Ridge:
Dec. 17, 1957; Fruita-Grand Junction, Colo. (BBU 5559)
7:20 p.m. F. G. Hickman, 17, saw a round object change from yellow to white to green to red, with red tail twice as long as  its body. First seen in the SE at about 1,000' straight up heading due South. After a total of 45 minutes it disappeared over the mountains. But before it did, it had stopped, started, backed up. The Blue Book report stated that the sun had set and that contrails would not have been visible, indicating the object was possible its own light source. (Berliner) 45 mins” presents U.S. government (U.S. Air Force) documents that pertain to the UFO case.

Related posts:

Satellite photo of Fruita, Colorado (
( photo)