Friday 28 December 2018

Google Website Searches:
Focus On UFO Incidents At Corn (Maize) Fields

Website: National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena (

(Search term: Corn)



Website: National UFO Reporting Center (




Website: UFO Casebook (








Website: UFO DNA (
(NOTE: Some of the reports come from




Website: Archives For the Unexplained (, Norrköping, Sweden:




UFO case report:
“Subject: Close Encounter With Hexagon at Corydon, IN,
April 1987”

31 October 1987

Francis Ridge reports on a UFO incident that occurred at a corn and soybean field two miles east of Corydon, Indiana, alongside S.R. 62 in late April 1987.

Ridge also presents a 10 June 1987 Corydon Democrat news article that reported on the UFO case.

The whole Corydon Democrat article:
“Paul Hauswald, 14, was working in a field about 10:30 PM four weeks ago, when he suddenly realized, ‘I could see where I was going with no trouble. I could see the spreader and everything.’

He looked up to see lights——blue, white and orange—— hovering above his tractor. The lights followed him up and down the last couple of rows as he spread manure on a corn and soybean field two miles east of Corydon alongside S.R. 62. He didn’t stop to stare or turn off the tractor. ‘I just wanted to get done and get out of there.’

‘Yeah, I was scared. Then, just... whoosh and it was gone.’

He drove the tractor back to his father’s barn, a trip that took less than 5-minutes, and began the task of refilling the spreader, about 15-rninutes later, while still in the barn, he saw a saucer-shaped object with different colored lights fly over the silo.

‘It was all white on the bottom. It had five sides and was bigger than a house. It hovered at about 1,000 feet.’ ”

According to Jim Delehanty’s UFO sighting report, Paul Hauswald’s 11-year-old brother, Chris, also witnessed the UFO incident. In his report, Delehanty writes that the UFO appeared to be flying at an altitude of  100 feet (as opposed to 1,000 feet as the Corydon Democrat reported).

Related posts:

Satellite photo of Corydon, Indiana (
( photo)