Tuesday 28 July 2020

UFO Article (Blog):
“An analysis of the latest Department
of Defense statement on UAP”

By Keith Basterfield, 27 July 2019
(UFOs – scientific research, Campbelltown,
New South Wales, Australia)

Quote from the article:
Office of Naval Intelligence

In a blog post dated 9 July 2020, titled ‘Is the US Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) now part of the AATIP effort?’ [see below link] I explored that possibility. Now, in July 2020, we know that the ONI is indeed heavily involved.

Senate Select Committee on Intelligence

Part of report 116-233 from the U.S. Congress Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, dated 17 June 2020, stated:

‘The Committee supports the effort of the Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon Task Force at the Office of Naval Intelligence, to standardise collection and reporting on unidentified aerial phenomenon, any links they have to adversarial foreign governments and the threat that they pose to U.S. military assets and installations.’

Department of Defense statement

Popular Mechanics magazine posted an article on their website dated 24 July 2020, by Andrew Daniels, which discussed the recent New York Times article on UAP, and various aspects of recent reporting on the topic.”

Related post:


The Pentagon (2008), Arlington, Virginia
(wikimedia.org photo)