Saturday 4 July 2020

Google Website Searches:
Focus On UFO Incidents
Involving UFOs Chasing Cars

Website: National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena (

(Search term: Chased Car)

(Followed Car)

(Paced Car)

(Pursued Car)

Website: National UFO Reporting Center (

(Chased Car)

(Followed Car)

(Paced Car)
Website: UFO Casebook (

(Chased Car)

(Followed Car)

(Paced Car)

(Chased Car)

(Followed Car)

(Paced Car)

(Pursued Car)

Website: Archives For the Unexplained (, Norrköping, Sweden:

(“Chased Car”)

(Followed Car)

(Paced Car)

(Pursued Car)

Website: Ignacio Darnaude Rojas-Marcos, Spain

(Chased Car)

(Followed Car)

(Paced Car)

(Pursued Car)

Freeze-frame from video: On 21 April 2020, two women were chased by a UFO while driving between Chos Malal, Neuquén Province and Malargüe, Mendoza Province, Argentina. One of the women managed to film the unknown object. 
(Image: Malargüe a Diario/Realidad OVNI (YouTube Channel))

On 8 October 2007, Anne Gjertsås and her 26-year-old daughter, Bente Renè Linmo, were chased by a UFO. They were driving from Sørli to Steinkjer (north of Trondheim, Norway). The UFO was sighted shortly before 10:30 p.m. The UFO was photographed near Grong. 