Saturday 16 May 2020

UFO Podcast Show:
“Lies and Control: The Robertson Panel.”

Streamed live: 7 March 2020
(“Richard Dolan Livestream,” Rochester, New York)

Source: Richard Dolan (YouTube channel)

Video text:
“After a year of unprecedented UFO activity and genuine concern by the U.S. national security community, the hammer came down in early 1953 to put the matter to sleep once and for all. That was the mission of the CIA-sponsored Robertson Panel, analyzed here by historian Richard Dolan.”

Wikipedia article: “Robertson Panel”:

Quote from the Wikipedia article:
“The Robertson Panel was a scientific committee which met in January 1953. The Panel arose from a recommendation to the Intelligence Advisory Committee (IAC) in December 1952 from a Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) review of the U.S. Air Force investigation into unidentified flying objects, project Blue Book.[1] The CIA review itself was in response to widespread reports of unidentified flying objects, especially in the Washington, D.C. area during the summer of 1952.

Criticism of the Robertson Panel’s conclusions

A number of criticisms have been leveled at the Robertson panel. In particular that the panel’s study of the phenomena was relatively perfunctory and its conclusions largely predetermined by the earlier CIA review of the UFO situation.[15][20][21][22]”

Related posts:

(Richard Dolan/ image)

Howard Percy Robertson, U.S. Mathematician, Physicist and 
CIA Consultant (1952-1954)
( photo)