Tuesday, 31 March 2020
UFO News Article:
“Runaway Speedometer Heralds UFO Sighting – Lindseys Sight High-Flying ‘Thing’ –
‘Definitely Unconventional . . .’ ”
8 November 1957
(Alamogordo Daily News, New Mexico )
Clipped by: sshaffer_freedomfighters, 10 May 2019
The whole article:
“A runaway speedometer and a ‘high-flying, silvery oval object’ sighted
by three Alamogordo
residents, constituted today’s chapter in the unfolding Unidentified Flying
Objects story.
What was labelled as ‘definitely an unconventional flying machine’ was
spotted yesterday morning [7 November 1957] by Trent Lindsey, Alamogordo insurance man; his wife, Jewel;
and his son, Byron, 22.
The mysterious object was sighted at a point between Escondida and
Orogrande, about 35 miles
from Alamogordo on Highway 54, while the
Lindsey’s were traveling by car to El
Paso .
Prior to the sighting, the speedometer on the Lindsey auto began to
register in erratic fashion, and continued to operate in ‘a wild way’ until
after the flying object disappeared from view.
Didn’t Stop Motor
Since the latest rash of ‘flying saucer’ reports began circulating in
the Southwest (and elsewhere), several motorists have complained that flying
objects have stopped car motors and cut off or dimmed car headlights.
But the object sighted by the Lindsey’s failed to affect the Lindsey car
in such fashion.
Indeed, the senior Mr. Lindsey expressed the view that the erratic
functioning of the car speedometer possibly could be traced to natural causes.
As to the speedy, high-flying object sighted by the Lindsey’s, Mr.
Lindsey is sure of only one thing: it did not appear to be a ‘conventional
flying machine.’
The object, Mr. Lindsey said, lacked the definable lines and angles of a
conventional aircraft, and on that point the three Lindseys are in complete
Beyond that point, however, Mr. Lindsey is highly sceptical about the
significance, if any, of the sighting. He explained: ‘There are lots of things
flying around in the sky these days, particularly in this part of the country.
Probably most, if not all, are explainable.’
The younger Lindsey, who leaves within a week for Argentina where he will take advantage of a
scholarship at the University
of Buenos Aires , and a
former employe of The Daily News, attached more importance to the sighting,
‘When the speedometer needle suddenly jumped over to 110 (as far as the
needle could go), mother said that we better stop the car and see if we could
see any thing that might be causing the strange action.
‘The needle kept skipping back and forth between 60 and 110 and making a
clattering sound.
‘While the needle was jumping around, dad pointed toward the southwest
and said, ‘I suppose you think that is something.’ And it was something. It was
cylindrical in shape, silvery, and moving toward the southwest.
‘It appeared to be very high up, I would guess about 10,000 feet , and
traveling at high speed.
‘It was a clear day (the hour of the sighting was 9:20 a.m.) and the
object appeared to be made of metal rather than gaseous in nature.
‘The object seemed to be following the curvature of the [Earth] instead
of moving in a straight line as would an airplane.
‘Also, the object seemingly did not have the definite lines and angles
of conventional aircraft.
‘We saw the object for only about three minutes. It disappeared over the
Organ Mountains .
‘When the speedometer needle first bounced
over the 110 mark, the flying object was probably nearer to us —
maybe directly overhead — but we didn’t see the object until it was at least 30 miles away from us.
Needle Leaned To Object
‘We traveled some 15 miles before the
speedometer corrected itself, and we had no trouble during the rest of the trip
or on the way back from El Paso .
Strangely, the needle kept wavering to the side where the object was instead of
toward the zero mark on the speedometer.’
The senior Mr. Lindsey checked with an Alamogordo garage
mechanic and was advised that the speedometer’s erratic action could have been
caused by ‘lack of proper lubrication.’
Mr. Lindsey said that he experienced no previous
trouble with the speedometer on his car, a 1954 Mercury.
Oddly, the object sighted by the Lindseys apparently was traveling in
practically the same orbit followed by a mysterious object sighted Monday by
James Stokes of Alamogordo ,
retired U. S. Navy man employed at Holloman.
Stokes described the object as ‘egg shaped’ and said its color was on
the order of mother of pearl.
Stokes sighted the object about 10 miles south of Orogrande on Highway 54. The
object, he said, came in ‘from the northeast’ and caused his car engine to
stall and the car headlights to fade.
Stokes reported that he received a slight ‘sunburn’ from the object.
On Same General Course
The object sighted by the Lindseys seemingly followed the same general
course as that traveled by the UFO sighted by Stokes; and, in a general way,
the descriptions of the two objects coincided.
Even so, the senior Mr Lindsey inclines to the view that the action of
the car’s speedometer and the sighting of the flying object were coincidental,
rather than related. Mrs. Lindsey and son Byron, however, aren’t so sure about
My comment:
This is an electromagnetic (EM) interference (the car’s speedometer
registered in erratic fashion) UFO case.
NOTE:Escondida , New
Mexico , is located to the west of Highway 54 and 205 kilometres (128 miles ) to the north
of Orogrande , New Mexico . It is therefore possible that
the UFO incident occurred (on Highway 54) 56 kilometres (35 miles ) to the north of Alamogordo , New
Mexico . Alamogordo
is located 59
kilometres (36 miles ) to the north of Orogrande.
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