Wednesday 25 March 2020

Google Website Searches:
Focus On UFO Incidents Involving
Triangular/Boomerang/Wing Shaped UFOs

Website: Northern Ontario UFO Research & Study ( (Sudbury, Canada):

(“Triangular Shaped”)

(“Triangular Shape”)



(“Triangle Shaped”)

(“Triangle Shape”)



(“Boomerang Shaped”)

(“Boomerang Shape”)

(“V Shaped”)

(“V Shape”)





(“Flying Wing”)

(“Flying Wings”)

(“Wing Shaped”)

(“Wing Shape”)

(“Manta Ray”)

(“Manta Rays”)



NOUFORS is an outstanding website to go to if you are researching triangular UFOs.

Related posts:

( image)

Freeze-frame from a video of one of the triangular shaped UFOs which were seen over Belgium during the 1989-1990 UFO wave
(Rai/ image)