Saturday 15 February 2020

UFO Journal Article:
Oxnard AFB Tells NICAP Intelligence Investigated UFO’s; AF Silent On Findings”

U.F.O. Investigator, July 1957, Vol. I, No. 1
(National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena, Washington, D.C.)


The whole article:

‘I certify I have seen the signed reports dated April 22 and May 18, 1957, describing the radar tracking of four UFO’s at speeds up to 3600 miles per hour.’


Reverend Albert Baller, Robbins Memorial Church, Greenfield, Massachusetts.
Dr. Earl Douglass, author of the syndicated column, ‘Strength For The Day,’ Princeton, New Jersey.
Frank Edwards, Radio and TV newscaster, Indianapolis, Indiana.
Col. Robert B. Emerson, U.S. Army Reserve, Director, Command and General Staff Dept., 4157th USAR School, Baton Rouge, Iowa.
Reverend Leon Le Van, New Jerusalem Christian Church, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Professor Charles A. Maney, Head of the Department of Physics, Defiance University, Defiance, Ohio.
Rear Admiral Herbert B. Knowles, United States Navy, Retired, Elliott, Maine.

The report cited was signed by one of four control-tower operators in the Civil Aeronautics Administration, all of whom tracked the four saucers at a large California airport. Since this case is directly linked with the strange UFO sighting at Oxnard Air Force Base, near midnight March 23, the operators will not be identified. However, NICAP emphasizes that no violation of security is involved, since there was no CIRVIS message (a report automatically classified under JANAP 146, Joint Chiefs of Staff instructions).

Four flying saucers, clocked over California at 3600 mph, were tracked by Civil Aeronautics control tower operators on the night of March 23, according to a signed report now in NICAP’s possession. The radar report casts new light on visual sightings at Oxnard Air Force Base — at the same hour that night.

At the time, the C.O. at Oxnard, Col E. F. Carey, Jr., stated that no UFO’s had been picked up by his base radar. He also said that a jet pilot ordered to search the area had seen nothing, though airmen, police and other ground observers clearly saw a moving object which flashed a brilliant red light.

At least one of the four UFO’s tracked by radar was almost directly over Oxnard Air Force Base at this time, according to the CAA control tower operator’s signed report (In the following account this radar expert will be called Operator 1).

The time was 2350 (11:50 p.m.). With several other CAA men, Operator 1 was on duty in the Municipal Airport control tower, ————————, California.

‘I was watching to radar scope,’ his report states, ‘when I noticed a target (blip of a moving object) about 15 miles northwest and moving northwest. At first I thought it was a jet, then I noticed it was moving much faster than anything I had ever seen on the scope. About 40 miles northwest it came to an abrupt stop and reversed course, all within a period of about three seconds.

‘It then traveled back along its course for about 20 miles, reversed course again and disappeared off the scope at 50 miles (Our radar reaches out only 50 miles).’

Approximately five minutes later, Operator 1 reports, two more unknown objects appeared, also traveling at tremendous speed. This time, he quickly called on the other control-tower operators to help him track the UFO’s.

30 miles, 30 Seconds: 3600 M.P.H.

‘These two disappeared off the scope in the same direction as the first,’ Operator 1 states. ‘We had time to clock their speeds 30 miles in 30 seconds. This figures out to 3600 miles per hour.

‘A minute or so later, a fourth target appeared in the same area,’ the radar report continues. ‘It went off the scope at 3600 miles per hour. Our radar does not give the height of aircraft; however, they had to be at 10,000 feet or lower, because our radar’s maximum height range is about 10,000 feet.’

Next day, Operator 1 read a newspaper account of the Oxnard Air Force Base sightings. Included was a statement by Mrs. Robert Beaudoin, wife of an AF captain stationed at the base. Just after midnight, Mrs. Beaudoin had telephoned the base to report what she described as a ‘brilliant, flashing red object’ in the sky over Santa Rosa Valley.

Re-checking the CAA radar observations, Operator 1 found that the UFO seen by Mrs. Beaudoin and other witnesses was one of the four they had tracked. ‘This sighting,’ he concludes, ‘was at exactly the same time as our radar sightings — 11:50 pm to midnight.’

Immediately after NICAP’s receipt of this radar report, a letter signed by the Director was sent to Colonel Carey, requesting copies of the Oxnard AFB radar report and the report by the jet pilot. On May 4, NICAP received an answer from the adjutant of the 414th Fighter Group at Oxnard, which stated that ‘the UFO’s in question’ were investigated by the 4602 Air Intelligence Service Squadron (this squadron, which has headquarters at the Air Defense Command, Ent Air Force Base, Colorado Springs, has investigative teams at all Air Defense bases. The team which investigated the Oxnard sightings came from Norton AFB, California).

A NICAP letter to the 4602d, at Ent Field, brought an official answer signed by Major John D. Taylor, Jr., Adjutant.

4602d Denies Release

‘Current Air Force policy,’ Major Taylor stated, ‘is that the issuance of such information as you request can be made only by Headquarters, United States Air Force. Therefore, your letter to the Commander, 414th Fighter Group was forwarded, through channels, to Headquarters, USAF. Your letter of 8 May 1957 (a direct request ot the 4602d for the reports) will also be forwarded to Headquarters, USAF.’

After waiting eight days for word from the pentagon, NICAP telephoned a new request to Maj. Gen. Joe W. Kelly, Director of Legislative Liaison, USAF, who for several years has been the Secretary’s official spokesman on UFO subjects (Copy of telegram and detailed request shown elsewhere in this issue).

In a letter to Representative Lee Metcalf, of Montana, General Kelly had insisted that UFO reports were not withheld from the press, and that information was supplied to the press on any sighting which had drawn national attention.

Since the Oxnard AFB sighting had been covered by press-wire stories, in hundreds of newspapers, this obviously came under General Kelly’s policy declaration to Congressman Metcalf. To conform to this Air Force policy, the NICAP request was made to the Director, who is also Editor of the U.F.O. INVESTIGATOR.

To date, NICAP has received no answer to its two letters or the telegram to General Kelly (A public attack on NICAP was made by an unnamed Air Force spokesman, three days after the wire to General Kelly, but this may have been only a coincidence. NICAP does not believe that General Kelly was involved in the attack, which is described in full, in another part of the magazine).

Because of the obvious importance of the March 23 sightings, and the delay in receiving the 4602d Intelligence Squadron’s investigation report, NICAP believes that its members should be acquainted with all the facts, including the names of several witnesses who apparently have been silenced.

For details of the Pasadena and San Gabriel reports, NICAP is indebted to Russ Leadabrand, columnist of the Pasadena Independent, who personally investigated the incidents, and also to Lee Pitt, aviation writer of the Los Angeles Mirror-News. Mr. Pitt obtained additional information from a Ground Observer Corps identification expert, Les Wagner, who has served as volunteer with the Pasadena Air Filter Center for six years.

*   *   *   *   *

The first sighting on the night of March 23, or at least the first one listed, came from K. E. Jefferson, a Pasadena resident. At 9:55, Mr. Jefferson saw a brilliant, flashing object moving over Downey (about 5 miles southeast of Los Angeles). Between that time and midnight, similar UFO reports were made by many Californians in Los Angeles, Pasadena, and throughout the San Gabriel Valley.

Police switchboards in the area were flooded with hundreds of calls, indicating that probably several thousand people saw at least one UFO, perhaps more. During the latter part of this period, both official and civilian reports poured into the Pasadena Air Filter Center.

According to a statement given to Russ Leadabrand by the Filter Center C.O., Capt. Joseph Fry, the first official report came in at 11:10 p.m., at which time Captain Fry notified Air Defense radar.

‘Between 2310 (11:10 p.m.) and 2350,’ said Capt. Fry, ‘we had many reports. We had reports that indicated the UFO was orange-red, flashing a bright white light. Some of the callers claimed they heard th ‘sound of reports’ when the light flashed from the object.’

But most observers, including two Filter Center personnel, described the object as showing a bright red light. One of the men was Air Force T/Sgt. Dewey Crow, who is permanently attached to the Center. Until he saw the object, he was openly sceptical about UFO’s.

The second Filter Center observer was Les Wagner, whose regular job is that of a Mirror-News staff writer in charge of the air-movement identification section. During his six years of GOC duty, Wagner has become an expert on aircraft identification.

While hundreds of people along Pasadena’s Colorado Street were staring up at the flashing UFO, T/Sgt. Crow and Wagner also watched it move about the area. Their combined observations covered a period of more than an hour. The two men admittedly were baffled.

Near midnight, the tempo of UFO reports increased. It was just after twelve when Mrs. Robert Beaudoin, wife of an Oxnard AFB captain, telephoned the base tower from her home in Camarillo Heights. Mrs. Beaudoin, who is familiar with aircraft types positively described the UFO as a large, silent object, flashing a brilliant red light and maneuvering in the sky over Santa Rosa Valley.

F-89 Fails to Contact UFO

In rapid succession, other telephone calls — some from airmen attached to the base — confirmed Mrs. Beaudoin’s report. Since the base already had an F-89 jet in the air, the tower radioed the pilot to intercept the UFO, if possible (The F-89 carries, besides the pilot, a radar operator specially trained for this type of interception).

According to the later report given to the press by Col. E. F. Carey, Jr., base commander, the F-89 crew was unable to make any contact, visual or radar. This attempted contact was timed at between midnight and 12:30. But at approximately the same time (12:22 a.m.) several eye witnesses on the ground reported sighting a strange flashing red object hovering near one of the Oxnard base runways.

Three of the witnesses were Ventura County deputy sheriffs from the Camarillo substation — Dick McKendry, John Murphy, and Robert Corshaw. The three deputies on patrol in the Ventura-Camarillo area not only saw the UFO hover near the field, but also watched it maneuver swiftly about the valley until 1:37 a.m., when it quickly disappeared on a northern course.

Meanwhile, two policemen from Port Hueneme also had sighted the saucer and made a report, which was relayed to the Oxnard tower.

(At an unspecified time, a Navy interceptor also joined in the search for the UFO, according to the United Press. NICAP is attempting to identify the station from which the plane was sent.)

From the times and details given, it is not certain that all visual reports concerned tha same UFO. It appears possible that witnesses may have seen two or more of the four UFO’s tracked by the CAA control tower operators. If two or more objects were seen separately this could account for the varied reports of hovering, accelerations, and swift maneuvers. However, all these visual reports may possibly concern a single object which maneuvered at varying speeds near Oxnard AFB and the surrounding area.

Balloon Ruled Out

When the UFO was first sighted by T/Sgt. Dewey Crow and Les Wagner, in Pasadena, its slow movement caused Wagner to check on the possibility of a balloon with anew type of light (the combined visual and radar reports, covering tremendous speeds and maneuvers, now appear to rule out and such answer completely).

Following a Weather Bureau suggestion, Wagner checked with the Atomic Energy Commission’s test site in Nevada. The AEC stated the last balloon launching at the site had been on March 21, and the balloon had been accounted for. In addition, a spokesman pointed out, their balloons do not carry lights of anykind.

A second check with, Edwards Air Force Base, ruled out the weather balloon answer. No weather balloons carry red lights, Wagner was told. Also, the balloons launched in the preceding 48 hours had been tracked to about 100,000 feet, where they automatically were destroyed.

Finally, the CAA also denied any connection with red-lighted balloon operations.

Though the UFO reports bore no resemblance to any known type of aircraft, even those still in the test stage, all aircraft operations in the area — military, civil and special testing — were quickly screened by the Air Filter Center, and this answer was ruled out.

Following Air Force Regulation 200-2, on the reporting of UFO’s, the Pasadena Filter Center after the first verified UFO report, immediately notified Air Defense Command HQ at Colorado Springs, the Air Technical Intelligence Center, the Directorate of Intelligence at the Pentagon and the nearest Air Defense base — Norton AFB, in San Bernardino. A team of Intelligence investigators from the 4602d Squadron unit at Norton was at once sent to Oxnard AFB.

Though this is standard procedure, and is well known to the HQ staff at all Air Force bases, no mention of the 4602d was made when Russ Leadabrand called the base at Norton. Major Thomas Bowers, Information Services Officer of the 27th Air Division, admitted they had received a number of civilian reports on the UFO.

‘They came from Los Angeles, Pasadena, and eventually the Oxnard area,’ he told Leadabrand.

‘Were you able to identify the object?’ the columnist asked Major Bowers.

‘Negative,’ Bowers answered. ‘We were not able to pick up the object on radar. No Air Force personnel saw the object (This contradicts the report by T/Sgt. Dewey Crow).’

He added that a full report of the sighting was being sent to ATIC. ‘I believe the Technical Intelligence people are working out of Wright-Patterson,’ he added.

Major Bowers’ failure to mention the swift on-the-spot investigation by a 4602d team from his own base may have no real significance, since the Oxnard AFB adjutant did not hesitate to inform NICAP of this fact.

But except for this official admission to NICAP and the subsequent confirmation sent to NICAP by the 4602d Headquarters adjutant, no official information has been released since the incidents occurred.

Instead, several of the witnesses named have either refused to answer queries or their superiors have kept them from answering.

On April 25, NICAP wrote to Mrs. Beaudoin and asked fro detailed information on the sighting. To date, there has been no reply.

AF Silences Sheriff’s Men

On the same date, NICAP also wrote to the Sheriff of Ventura County, California, and requested that the three deputies named: McKendry, Murphy and Corshaw, be permitted to forward all possible details and also their personal opinions on the sighting. On May 15, NICAP received a reply from Sheriff William J. Suytar, stating that all the information they had on this sighting was turned over to the officials at Oxnard Air Force Base. It was evident that he had been ordered to neither furnish the reports NICAP had requested, nor permit his men to be interviewed by a NICAP representative in Ventura.

‘We would be most happy,’ Sheriff Suytar told NICAP, ‘to cooperate in having these officers available for interview by any duly authorized military officer.’

Once the Air Force gave him such an order, neither an admiral on the Navy, an Army general, nor even a high-ranking Air Force officer could interview the deputies without approval by AF Intelligence.

From the foregoing evidence, it appears that highly important facts about the March 23 California sightings are being withheld from the public.

This case is still being investigated by NICAP, but a complete analysis by NICAP’s Special Advisers is not possible without the report of the 4602 Intelligence Squadron, now at Air Force Headquarters.

Pending AF action on NICAP’s request for this report, under the policy stated by General Kelly, anyone in the United States with authentic information or personal knowledge of the facts is requested to send a report to NICAP — unless this would be an actual violation of military security.

NICAP UFO-report forms will be sent on request, and names will be kept confidential if so requested.

When additional verified information is received, whether on the actual sightings or on the Air Force investigation, this will be goven to members, to Congress, and the press, either by special bulletin or through the [U.F.O.] INVESTIGATOR.”

Wikipedia article: “Oxnard Air Force Base”:

The whole Wikipedia article:
“Oxnard Air Force Base is a former United States Air Force base, located in the city of Camarillo, California.


Camarillo Airport was originally established in 1942 when the California State Highway Department constructed an auxiliary landing field with a 5,000 ft (1,500 m) runway. During World War II the 36th Flying Training Wing (U.S. Army Air Forces) supervised contractors training pilots at the airfield. The runway was later extended to 8,000 ft (2,400 m) in 1951 to accommodate what by then had developed into Oxnard Air Force Base. The airport runway was further extended in 1959 to accommodate jet fighter aircraft such as the Northrop F-89 Scorpion and McDonnell F-101B, used as part of the Los Angeles Area Air Defense Network.[citation needed] In the 1950s, the base was also home to the 354th Fighter Interceptor Squadron. In Mid-1960s the base received 17 new F-106 Delta Darts. On January 1, 1970, Oxnard AFB was deactivated and the base became surplus property. Oxnard had 99 Officers and 990 enlisted assigned prior to its closing. The last commanding officer of the 414th Fighter Group was Colonel Paul D. Cofer.”

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