Saturday, 29 February 2020
UFO Website:
“UFO Danmark”
English translation (by Google Translate):
UFO Danmark’s YouTube channel, UFO Denmark:
UFO Danmark’s YouTube channel, UFO Denmark:
( image)
UFO Video Interview:
“UFO i Sydamerika Interview
med piloten Dieter Betz”
(“UFO in South America Interview
with the pilot Dieter Betz”)
Published: 27 January 2018
(UFO Denmark (YouTube channel) (run by UFO Danmark))
Danish transport pilot Dieter Betz talks about his UFO encounter over Guyana while
flying a Boeing 737. Betz saw the UFO a short while before he was about to land
in Georgetown .
The UFO was also seen by the crew of another airplane (from the same
Danish transport company) a short while before Betz saw the unknown object. The
UFO followed the first airplane, according to the pilot. The pilot told Betz
that the UFO emitted a powerful light, like a giant spotlight.
Quote from the interview:
“So then we circled around toward the light again which sat there
completely still and shone very brightly.
I suggested we switch on all our airplane lights. In a Boeing 737
there’s a handle, or switch that can turn the lights on all at once so we
turned them on and counted… 1 ….2…..then bam, off again. The light in front of
us switched off for the same time 2 seconds – then switched on again.
I still got goose-bumps thinking about it as it affected us so deeply.
We got like a reply from that thing.
We then flew over it and it was gone. Then we landed after having
reported the incident on the radio.
The next day, the military made a search of the area with all the planes
they had, searching for any clues but found nothing.
What was interesting after all that happened, was after we had come
home, and with all the witnesses and the other plane that had seen this thing
it opened up a mine, talking to other pilots who have come forward telling
stories that it wasn’t the first time they had seen things in the air that they
couldn’t explain. Mostly they were things that moved at extremely high speeds,
which were triangular, which could also be seen moving at very high speed on
Click the subtitles icon to get the English subtitles.
Related posts:
Dieter Betz, Danish transport pilot
(UFO Denmark/ image)
Map of Guyana
( image)
Friday, 28 February 2020
Newsletter Quote:
Number Six, Spring-Summer 1979
(Project Stigma, Paris ,
Texas )
Source: Archives For the Unexplained (, Norrköping, Sweden
Project Stigma was run by the late animal mutilation researcher Thomas
(Tom) R. Adams.
Quote from the newsletter issue:
Project Stigma is currently preparing a special report to consist largely of a catalog of reports ot unidentified helicopters at or near mutilation sites. We have knowledge of over 200 such sightings and we are seeking data regarding those which have yet to be reported. For those who have doubted the likelihood of a link between ‘mystery choppers’ and the ‘mystery choppings’, the report will serve to convincingly illuminate the connection. We would appreciate hearing whether our readers would prefer an 8½″ X 11″ report (or an 8½ X 11 STIGMATA?) rather than the current 8½″ X 7″ size. Watch for an announcement regarding the helicopter report and catalog in the upcoming STIGMATA #7.
Project Stigma is currently preparing a special report to consist largely of a catalog of reports ot unidentified helicopters at or near mutilation sites. We have knowledge of over 200 such sightings and we are seeking data regarding those which have yet to be reported. For those who have doubted the likelihood of a link between ‘mystery choppers’ and the ‘mystery choppings’, the report will serve to convincingly illuminate the connection. We would appreciate hearing whether our readers would prefer an 8½″ X 11″ report (or an 8½ X 11 STIGMATA?) rather than the current 8½″ X 7″ size. Watch for an announcement regarding the helicopter report and catalog in the upcoming STIGMATA #7.
- October
- Snohomish county: We are indebted to Jacob
Davidson of Seattle for providing us with a series
of consistently fine reports by investigator Jerry Phillips of Everett , Washington .
Phillips interviewed rancher and horseman Jack Henning regarding the mutilation
of one of his colts.
vet, Dr. John Carr, was called to the scene and he declared that the colt died
from loss of blood via some unknown procedure. There was no blood on the ground
and only a small amount in the heart and chest cavity. There were no tracks or
signs in the 3-inch grass in the area. It looked ‘as though the colt had been dropped
out of the air’. In the same field, 30 to 40 feet of electric fence
was down, with two fence posts snapped off at the base. There were no tracks
around the fence. Henning left the carcass in the field so he could keep an eye
on it. Then, (quoting from Phillips’ report): On the second day a cobweb-like
material developed over the open wound. Later the second day a large German
shepherd dog was observed coming into the field. When he spotted the dead
animal he stopped, smelled the air, made a circle around it and continued on
its way. The third day, a coyote which had been seen in
the area several times in previous months, came into the field, circled
the animal several times, then began eating on the head and neck. He would not
go near the rear of the horse. Mr. Henning went out to have a look and found
plenty of evidence on the ground and in the grass to show where the coyote had
dug his paws in when pulling at the neck hide.....Mr. Henning brought the mare
and her other colt out and tried to get them near the dead colt. Neither one
would come within 50 feet
of it. He tried laying hay next to it and they still would not approach it. Mr.
Henning has two labrador dogs…..he turned them loose to see what they would do.
They circled the animal, but would not get within 20 feet of it.
told Phillips that he had been working with the surviving colt before the
killing and she was fairly gentle. After the mutilation she stood in the barn
and quivered. Henning had difficulty even approaching her for a week. The mare
was very possessive and protective of her colts, and she would become very
upset if anyone even walked between them. There was no evidence that she tried
to interfere when the victim colt was in danger that morning. Afterward, ‘she
acted as if the colt had never existed’.
– April through August
– Lincoln County: By now we assume that most readers of this
publication are aware of the reports of livestock mutilations, UFO and
unidentified helicopter sightings, anomalous odors (and even a June encounter
with a 4-ft.-tall ‘ape’) – all in Lincoln County (with some ‘spillover’ into adjoining
counties), and especially around the community of Elsberry.
events received a relatively substantial amount of nationwide publicity. We
wanted to refer interested readers to a couple of published accounts regarding
these incidents:
UFO Reporter (1609
Sherman Ave., Suite 207 ; Evanston , Illinois 60201 – $12.00 per year). This
publication and its editors (Dr. J. Allen Hynek and Allen Rendry) are allied
with the Center for UFO Studies (CUFOS). The August 1978 issue of the IUR
features an account of a UFO sighting in the Elsberry area (p. 3) and a
separate article on the UFO and mutilation activity there throughout the
summer. The latter article labors to downplay both the UFO activity and the
mutilations, not to mention any possible ‘link’ between them. We have been
aware of CUFOS’ grimly opaque attitude toward the mutilation phenomenon. A
CUFOS staff member once advised one of their many volunteer investigators
scattered across the country not to ‘bring cattle mutilations into the
picture’. The staffer claims, in his letter to the investigator, that ‘this is
a personal opinion’, then insolently directs the investigator to ‘be careful
not to relate UFOs with mutilations, when you are speaking as a Center representative,
before you have consulted the Center about its opinion in this matter’. We have
become weary (and wary) of attempts to refute the validity of classic mutilations
(and some of the peripheral phenomena often associated with them) by referring
to bits of information excised from the total body of data (of course, we
recognize the possibility that CUFOS may simply be the victim of bad
information and/or indifferent investigation). The UFO/mutilation link remains
valid circumstantially. Beyond that, it cannot be proven or disproven.
Meanwhile, we heartily recommend objectivity between and among mature and
consenting adults.
(R.F.D. 5 – Gales Ferry, CT 06335 – subscription/membership for one year is $10.00;
Pursuit is the journal of the Society for the Investigation of the
Unexplained). ‘Mutilations: The Elsberry Enigma’ by editors R. Martin Wolf and
Steven N. Mayne appears in the Winter 1979 edition. This is more like it: a
simple recounting of the evidence, anecdotal and otherwise, gathered by the
authors during their investigation in the Elsberry area. And where conclusions
are not warranted, they are not drawn. The article includes a chronological
listing of extramundane events (beginning with a mutilation in 1975) and
details on diverse Fortean occurrences. The interesting thing is, Project
Stigma has since become aware of many other unusual events in the Lincoln County area which are not recounted in
the Pursuit article, thanks primarily to the investigations of David Perkins, Cari Seawell and Bill McIntyre. There is
more to be heard, and read, regarding the Lincoln County
- December
did not return to feed the hogs until Friday morning, December 8th. Be found
one hog ‘standing up dead. I kicked him and he fell over’. Fanning told reporter
Roberta G. Boman of the Times and Democrat (Orangeburg , SC )
that a second dead hog lay nearby with its jawbone removed. He told Boman that
‘the body was sort of like sponge, with all the weight gone, kind of like jelly
(Fanning said the hog, normally weighing 200 lbs ., weighed no more
than approximately 50
pounds ). In my opinion, no animal got that hog.’
went on to exclaim that ‘I was scared, and I'm not scared of many things. I go
hunting and fishing a lot. Never seen anything like it. It’s the weirdest thing
I’ve ever seen in my life. I’m an outdoorsman, and I wouldn’t have said nothing
unless the other three people saw it too.’ (Our thanks to Leonard Stringfield
for advising us of the Fanning case.)
Sandler International Films of Hollywood, California has been gathering new material
to be used in updating ‘UFOs Past, Present and Future’, a documentary film
which was originally released in the mid-1970’s. The Sandler crew has filmed
interviews in Colorado and New Mexico as part of a segment on animal
mutilations to be included in the new film. It is understood at this writing
that the film is to be distributed via syndication to television stations
across the country, beginning in the fall of 1979. The ‘on-camera spokesman’ or
narrator for the new film is Dr. Jacques Vallee, author of the controversial
new book, Messengers of Deception (see STIGMATA #7).
At press time, ABC-TV News has, for several weeks, been filming an investigative
report on animal mutilations, to be aired (possibly in two parts) on the ‘20-20’ news-feature program in the
early summer (‘20-20’
will apparently be seen weekly on Thursday nights during the summer). Project
Stigma investigators conferred with correspondent Dave Marash and his crew in
early May, and we were impressed with their sincerity and in-depth approach.
Assuming the story is aired, watch for impressive eye-witness accounts of UFOs
and mystery helicopters in mutilation-prone areas.”
Related posts:
(Google photo)
( photo)
UFO News Article:
“Evidence Points to Saucer – –
Did UFO Kill Colorado Animals?”
11 October 1967
(The Examiner, Independence ,
Missouri )
The whole article:
“Snippy the horse, a frisky, frollicking animal who ran afoul of a flying
saucer, may not have been the only animal who met his match from the skies, his
owner said Tuesday.
Mrs. Berle Lewis, who owned the three-year-old Appaloosa, said she is
wondering if the recent deaths of five horses and four cows on nearby lands are
somehow related.
Snippy was found dead Sept. 9, 20 miles northeast of Alamosa in desolate Southern Colorado terrain. The flesh from the head and
neck of the animal was ‘stripped clear to the bone.’
‘I’m convinced Snippy was killed by a Saucer,’ Mrs. Lewis said. ‘I’d
like to know if there’s any connection with the other animals.’
Mrs. Lewis said evidence seems to back up her theory. Markings in the
area indicated something may have landed and she said a Geiger counter showed
the ground to be radioactive. In addition, a Denver pathologist who examined the dead
animal said he ‘had no solution to offer for the death.’
Mrs. Lewis said the latest animals found dead were three horses near
Mosca, 14 miles
north of Alamosa, a ‘beautiful pinto’ found three miles southeast of where
Snippy died, a sorrel and four cows near the highway connecting Blanca and
‘At first no one was interested,’ Mrs. Lewis said. ‘Now everyone wants
to know about it.’
Law officers have said the animal probably was killed by lightning.
Just in case it was something else, though, the University of Colorado
has sent an investigator from its Unidentified Flying Object research
department to check out the report.”
Related posts:
( photo)
UFO News Article:
“UFO sighted”
1 September 1995
(The Times, Victor Harbor , Australia )
The whole article:
“The Times has received two separate
reports of a UFO over South
Coast skies on Tuesday
night [29 August 1995].
Ms Karen Lee of Port Elliot says her 10-year-old son and nine-year-old
daughter had called her from the kitchen about 7.10pm because they were
frightened by an object in the sky.
Her son Paul said the UFO was ‘big, round and red’ and after hovering
close to their house for a short time, Ms Lee said it ‘shot off towards the
Ms Lee said an elderly neighbour had also seen the UFO which had set his
dog barking wildly.
Ferry driver Ross Tuckwell said he was in his yard about 7.30pm ‘having
a smoke’ when he saw what looked like a huge floodlight in the sky over the
hills near his Sorrento Parade, Victor Harbor home.”
My comment:
This UFO case, as seen in the 4 February 1968 Redlands , California ,
case – also involve both a UFO which manoeuvred close to a house and animal
reaction (dog).
I also reported about this article on 2 March 2016.
Related posts:
( photo)
UFO Case Directory (Animal Effect Cases):
“Redlands, California
February 4, 1968”
The whole UFO case report:
“Animal Reaction Feature:
Between 7:20 and 7:25 p.m. in a residential area, many people over
several streets came outdoors because of the unusual barking of the dogs in the
neighborhood and/or because of an unusual sound. A circular object at an
estimated altitude of 300
feet was seen moving slowly to the ENE.
Joan Woodward, Animal Reaction Specialist:
It is estimated that 200 people saw or heard this object, including four
University of Redlands professors (geology,
mathematics, chemistry, and art) who became involved in the investigation. The
object’s size was estimated to be 50 feet in diameter. It had lights on the base
that appeared to expel jets of orange flame, and it had lights on the top that
alternated red and green, giving the impression the object was rotating.
The object flew slowly for about a mile, stopped and hovered briefly,
jerked forward, hovered, and then shot straight up at high speed.
The sound was reported as a high-pitched modulated whining sound. Professor Seff (geology) concluded that the
sound heard by many (and recorded by a minister) was that of an emergency
rescue vehicle and was not coming from the object overhead. Professor
Brownfield (art) did a composite drawing based on witnesses who saw the object
from a variety of angles.
The sound is questionable. McDonald (1968) indicates witnesses reported
physiological effects with no further explanation. No EM effects were
reported.” also presents an excerpt from Ronald D. Story’s book, Encyclopedia of UFOs. You will find it by clicking the link, “Case Report – Story.” also presents an excerpt from Ronald D. Story’s book, Encyclopedia of UFOs. You will find it by clicking the link, “Case Report – Story.”
Wikipedia article: “Redlands ,
California ”:
Related posts:
A drawing of the 4 February 1968
( image)

(Google photo)
UFO News Article:
“Who saw it Feb. 4? –
UR professors plan UFO investigation”
13 February 1968
(Redlands Daily Facts, California )
The whole article:
“Three University
of Redlands professors have launched a
scientific investigation into the reported sighting of an unidentified flying
object over Redlands [California ] as part of a UFO research program, it was learned today.
Dr. Phillip Seff, UR geology professor and
coordinator in this area for a ‘UFO early warning network’ conducted by the
University of Colorado, said numerous reports of the UFO sighting here on
Sunday, Feb. 4 [1968], are being
investigated on ‘a scientific basis.’
‘We are anxious to interview anyone who saw or heard the UFO,’ Dr. Seff
said. ‘We have established there was something here, but we need more witnesses
such as those who called the police.’
Jane Peterson, Redlands police
dispatcher, said ‘15 to 20 persons’ telephoned police headquarters on the night
of Feb. 4, starting at 7:26 p.m., and reported ‘loud noises and lights’ in
north Redlands .
One woman said she saw a ‘bright, blinding white light with flashing red
lights encircling it’ a few feet from her front door.
According to the police dispatcher, the woman said she opened her door and
the lights ‘went straight up with a swishing sound.’
Another woman reportedly saw a similar lighted object in her backyard.
Most of the callers also heard strange sounds in connection with the
lights, the dispatcher said.
None of the callers would divulge their names, however. Dr. Seff said he
is eager to interview them.
‘I can assure any of these witnesses who contact us that their names and
anything they can tell us will be held in the strictest confidence,’ he said.
According to Dr. Seff, the strange sounds heard on the night of Feb. 4
by Albert Tetzlaff and others he has interviewed apparently were not made by
the electronic siren of an emergency vehicle on its way to an accident at the
approximate time of the UFO reports.
Working with Dr. Seff on the UFO investigation are Dr. Judson Sanderson,
UR math department chairman, and Dr. Jay Krantz, professor of chemistry. Either
of the three can be reached at the UR, 793-2121.”
Wikipedia article: “Redlands ,
California ”:
Related posts:

Redlands, California
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