Friday 3 January 2020

UFO Article (Blog):
“NIDS and ‘triangular’ UAP”

By Keith Basterfield, 23 December 2019
(UFOs – scientific research, Campbelltown,
New South Wales, Australia)

Quote from the article:

I am continuing my exploration of material which appeared on the former website of the now defunct National Institute for Discovery Science (NIDS) founded by Las Vegas businessman Robert T Bigelow, in 1995 and ceasing in 2004. Most researchers that I know, are completely unaware of this resource.


One of the two foci of NIDS was research into the UFO phenomenon. There was an upsurge in the number of reports of ‘triangular’ shaped objects in the 1990’s. Thus it was reasonable that NIDS would take a look into this aspect of the phenomenon.”

Related posts:

(NIDS/ image)

Freeze-frame from a video of one of the triangular shaped UFOs which were seen over Belgium during the 1989-1990 UFO wave
(Rai/ image)