Saturday 23 November 2019

UFO Statistics:
“UFO Map: North America 1957”

By Larry Hatch

Source: Internet Archive, San Francisco, California

The whole article:
“Out of 592 *U* listings for 1957 worldwide, 368 were in North America. 219 worldwide were in the single month of November.

UFO activity is centered around the height of the Taurids meteor shower. Some misidentifications are inevitable despite all efforts to filter noise like that out.

Active areas include the Southern California desert, Indiana, Northern New Jersey and Massachussetts [sic]. Some states seem entirely untouched by this wave.

Note Los Angeles, CA and Levelland, TX at the same latitude but 1000 miles apart. Seeming alignments run both Northeast and NNW from the El Paso - Fort Bliss area in Texas.”

Related posts:

UFO Map: North America 1957 (
(text by ( image)