Friday 29 November 2019

UFO Case Directory (RADCAT):
“Military Radar At Knoxville
Tracks Eleven Objects
October 12, 1950
Knoxville, Tennessee”


The whole UFO case report:
Bruce Maccabee:
October 12, 1950; Knoxville, Tennessee (BBU)
11:25 PM. A military radar unit at Knoxville Airport suddenly detected 11, ‘and possibly more,’ unidentified targets moving over the restricted flight zone at Oak Ridge. This time action was taken. At 11:30, the radar station commander scrambled an F-82 fighter. It was in the air nine minutes later. The fighter was vectored toward two targets and, according to the radar, closed with the targets, but the pilot saw nothing. Ground observations also failed to detect anything in the sky. No unusual objects were seen visually or on radar for the next two days. Then the ‘dam broke.’ On October 15, at 3:25 PM, three Oak Ridge security guards and a caretaker saw an exceedingly strange object. (See Oct 15 below)

Fran Ridge:
See actual FBI document below, cleaned up by Jean Waskiewicz. For a chronological list of events surrounding Oak Ridge in 1950, see Oak Ridge Page below.” presents U.S. government (Project Blue Book, U.S. Air Force) documents that pertain to the UFO case.

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“Y-12” Area at Oak RidgeTennessee
( photo)

Satellite photo of Oak RidgeTennessee (
( photo)