Sunday 3 November 2019

TV UFO Footage (NASA):
2 Unknown Objects Filmed From the ISS

Source: singleaple (YouTube channel)

The objects appear to move above the atmosphere.

I agree with the source of the footage, who writes that he does not believe that they are shooting stars. Shooting stars do not light up in outer space.

In my opinion – the objects are self-luminous – therefore they must be unidentified flying objects. Satellites are not self-luminous, for example. Satellites are illuminated by the Sun, and are visible from the ground, but, again, in my opinion – these objects are self-luminous. 

The validity of the footage cannot be questioned – since it comes from the International Space Station.

The unknown objects can be seen (repeated footage) at 0:18 (right side of the screen), 0:40, 0:58, 1:04 and 1:38.

It is not known when the footage was recorded.

Wikipedia article: “International Space Station”:

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International Space Station (ISS) (
( photo)