Friday 3 May 2019

UFO TV News Report:
“Propietario y vaqueros insisten en
presencia de ovnis en una propiedad”
(“Owner and cowboys insist on the
presence of UFOs on property”)

Published: 5 April 2019
(Red Uno de Bolivia, La Paz, Bolivia)

Source: RED UNO DE BOLIVIA (YouTube channel)

Red Uno reports on the UFOs which recently have been sighted over the farm of Freddy Rodríguez near Ascensión de Guarayos, Bolivia.

Rodríguez said he ordered one of his cowboys to fire a shotgun at one of the unknown objects. The bullet had no effect on the object – but the UFO ascended into the air after the shot had been fired. After Rodríguez had turned the truck around, they saw the UFO up close, and it shone a light on them.

The TV report contains UFO videos.

Related posts:

A Red Uno reporter interviews Freddy Rodríguez
(Red Uno de Bolivia/ image)