Wednesday 27 March 2019

UFO Conference Presentation Video:
“AAPC 2019 - Robert Powell”

(Scientific Coalition for Ufology, U.S.A.)

Source: Scientific Coalition for Ufology (YouTube channel)

Video text:
“The Scientific Coalition for Ufology (SCU), a 501(c)(3), is sponsoring it’s first conference on the subject of Anomalous Aerospace Phenomena (AAP). A recent announcement in 2017 of the Pentagon Program referred to as the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) clarified that AAPs or what some had previously referred to as Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) were being seen in military exercises. For over seven decades there have been incidents where anomalous and unidentifiable aerial threats have had interactions with the military. This threat has remained elusive and unexplainable, yet persistently present with incredible cases that defy explanations. SCU is an organization composed of affiliate members from science, engineering, astronomy, psychology, chemistry, military and other disciplines with many holding PhDs, BS, BA degrees. These members are people who have a serious interest and have studied this phenomena both seriously and objectively. SCU seeks to hold this conference in the hopes of bringing together other serious minded attendees from Redstone Arsenal, NASA, military defense contractors and academia in order have serious a dialogue about this subject looking at how science can progress in studying the phenomena.”

The Anomalous Aerospace Phenomena Conference was held in Huntsville, Alabama, on 15-17 March 2019.

The Conference was organised by the Scientific Coalition for Ufology (SCU).

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Robert Powell, Scientific Coalition for Ufology
(Scientific Coalition for Ufology/ image)