Wednesday 10 October 2018

Google Searches/
Google Website Searches:
Focus On UFOs In Saskatchewan (Canada)

(Search term: UFO Saskatchewan) (Saskatchewan Government Websites)

(UFO Saskatchewan) (Canada Government Websites)


(2018) (All)

(site:ca) (All)

(2018 site:ca) (All)

(Flying Saucers) (All)

(Flying Saucers site:ca) (All)

(UFO) (Google Blogs)

(Flying Saucers) (Google Blogs)

(UFO) (WordPress Blogs)

(Flying Saucers) (WordPress Blogs)

(“Animal Mutilation”) (All)

(“Animal Mutilations”) (All)

(“Cattle Mutilation”) (All)

(“Cattle Mutilations”) (All)

(UFO) (Videos)

(UFO TV) (Videos)

(UFO TV News) (Videos)

Website: Google News Archive (

(UFO) (no news articles as of 10 October 2018)

(Flying Saucers) (no news articles as of 10 October 2018)

Website: Fold3 ( (Project Blue Book):

Website: Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) (

Website: J. Allen Hynek Center for UFO Studies (CUFOS) (

Website: PROJECT 1947 (

Website: National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena (

Website: National UFO Reporting Center (



Website: UFO Casebook (


Website: UFO DNA (



Website: UFOS Northwest (

Website: Water UFO (

Website: National Aviation Reporting Center on Anomalous Phenomena (NARCAP) (

Website: The UFO Chronicles (

Website: Saturday Night Uforia (

Website: Earthfiles (


(“Animal Mutilation”)

(“Animal Mutilations”)

(“Cattle Mutilation”)

(“Cattle Mutilations”)

Website: Angelfire (

Website: UFO UpDates (

Website: Northern Ontario UFO Research and Study (

Website: Ufology Research (



Website: JTC UFO Database (Daniel Guenther, Germany)

(no UFO reports as of 10 October 2018)

Website: Ignacio Darnaude Rojas-Marcos, Spain

Wikipedia article: “Saskatchewan”: “Saskatchewan Agglomerations, Cities, Towns and Villages”: “Saskatchewan”:

Topographic map of Saskatchewan, Canada (
( image)