Thursday 1 March 2018

UFO Book Excerpt:
“The Levelland, Texas, Sightings -
November 2, 1957”


The excerpt (Pages 123-128) comes from Dr. J. Allen Hynek’s book, The UFO Experience: A Scientific Inquiry (1972).

Quote from the book excerpt:
“What was needed at the time was swift reaction by Blue Book and a serious, thorough investigation. Captain Gregory, then head of Blue Book, did call me by phone, but at that time, as the person directly responsible for the tracking of the new Russian satellite, I was on a virtual around-the-clock duty and was unable to give it any attention whatever. I am not proud today that I hastily concurred in Captain Gregory’s evaluation as ‘ball lightning’ on the basis of information that an electrical storm had been in progress in the Levelland area at the time. That was shown not to be the case. Observers reported overcast and mist but no lightning. Besides, had I given it any thought whatever, I would soon have recognized the absence of any evidence that ball lightning can stop cars and put out headlights.

I was told that the Blue Book investigation consisted of the appearance of one man in civilian clothes at the sheriff’s office at about 11:45 A.M. On November 5; he made two auto excursions during the day and then told Sheriff Clem that he was finished.

A newspaper reporter subsequently said that he had recognized the investigator and identified him as an Air Force sergeant.

In any event, Blue Book came under severe pressure. In a memo dated December 4, 1957, Captain Gregory complained that.... . as a result of pressure from both the press and public

. . . Assistant Secretary of Defense requested that ATIC immediately submit a preliminary analysis to the press . . . a most difficult requirement in view of the limited data.’ ”

Wikipedia article: “Levelland UFO case”:

Related posts:

Dr. J. Allen Hynek, U.S. Astronomer, the U.S. Air Force’s
Scientific Consultant on UFOs (1948-1969), UFO Author,
Lecturer & Researcher ( photo)