Sunday, 4 February 2018
Canadian Government UFO Article:
“Thematic Guides - Unidentified Flying Objects”
(Library and Archives Canada, Ottawa, Canada)
Quote from the article:
“This guide consists of specific references to
government sources on Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs).
The National Research Council (NRC) started collecting
reports of sightings of UFOs in 1968. It took over this responsibility from the
Department of National Defence, which transferred extant sighting reports
(dating from 1965) to the NRC. The records consist of index cards on which is
entered information on each sighting, and also reports containing more detailed
accounts of each sighting. The reports and sightings are arranged in
chronological order. Most of the sighting reports were sent to the National
Research Council by the Department of National Defence, the Department of
Transport and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. The NRC ceased to collect
reports of sightings in August 1995.
This guide was revised in September 2000.”
Library and Archives Canada
building in Ottawa
(text by Wikipedia) ( photo)