Sunday, 14 January 2018

Google Searches:
Focus On the 2010 Eyjafjallajökull Volcano, Iceland, UFO Incidents

(Search term: UFO Eyjafjallajökull 2010) (All)

(UFO Eyjafjallajokull 2010) (All)

(UFO Eyjafjallajökull 2010) (Videos)

(UFO Eyjafjallajokull 2010) (Videos)

UFO article:
“UFOs spotted over the Iceland Volcano”

23 April 2010
(, Tempe, Arizona)

Wikipedia article: “Eyjafjallajökull”:

Wikipedia article: “2010 eruptions of Eyjafjallajökull”:

Related posts:

A photo of Eyjafjallajökull taken from Route 1 in August 2009
(text by Wikipedia) ( photo)