Monday 7 March 2016

UFO News Article:
“Air Force Denies Saucer Cover-Up”

30 March 1966
(Spokane Daily Chronicle, Washington)

Quote from the article:
“The Air Force said today it has an open mind about unidentified flying objects – UFO’s – and makes no attempt to hush talk about flying saucers.

Retired Marine Major Donald E. Keyhoe, head of a group called National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena, told newsmen this week the Pentagon has a top level policy of discounting all UFO reports. He said the Air Force over the years has used ridicule to discredit sightings.

Project Blue Book has been unable to explain the 646 other UFO incidents and of these merely says: “The description of the object or its motion cannot be correlated with any known object or phenomena.”

I reported about a longer version of the Associated Press article on 29 August 2010:


The late Major Donald Edward Keyhoe, U.S. Marine Corps,
NICAP Director, UFO Author & Researcher
( image)