Wednesday 20 January 2016

Brazil Government UFO Article:
“And the military? Have they reported
cases of unidentified flying objects?”

(Brazilian Ministry Of Defence, Brasilia, Brazil)

The whole translated (Google Translate) text:
“Documents about UFOs, produced by the Forces, are available in the following places:

– Navy: The Navy files are on the Board of Historical and Heritage Documentation in Snake Island, Centro, Rio de Janeiro (RJ). Phone (21) 2104-6713 / 2104-6994 and e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

– Army: Do not have in your report files on UFO cases in the past, because the Decree No. 79,099 / 77 allowed the destruction of classified documents, as well as any terms of destruction, the authority that has prepared or by whom halt custody.

– Aeronautics (Air Force): Ordinance No. 551 / GC3, of August 9, 2010, provides for the registration and processing of matters relating to UFOs. According to the document, the Air Force Command records the events and forwards it to the National Archives, where they can be consulted by the citizens directly by address”

The Coat of Arms of the Brazilian Armed Forces
( image)