Friday, 4 December 2015

UFO News Article:
“ ‘Flying Saucers’ Seen In Dakota”

26 November 1956
(The Wilmington News, North Carolina)

The whole article:
“Two more unidentified objects sighted in the skies over South Dakota brought back reports of ‘flying saucers’ today.

A group of Hot Springs residents spotted one near here Sunday at the same time that a jet interceptor from Ellsworth Air Force Base reportedly registered an unidentified ‘blip’ on its radar screen.

Spokesmen for the Air Force, however, have not confirmed the report.

Earlier Sunday, two men in the South Dakota state motor patrol told of spotting a ‘salad bowl’-shaped object waving back and forth across a road near Pierre, S.D., about 300 miles east of here.

Donald Kelm and Jack Peters said the floating object was deep red in color, and that it was between 50 and 100 feet off the ground. There was no noise, Peters said.

Sheriff Allen Coates (or Coate) and his son, Robert, said the Hot Springs object was brilliantly illuminated and bobbed up and down in the sky. Young Coates (or Coate) described it as flashing red, green and yellow.”

Map of South Dakota (
( image)