Sunday, 14 October 2012

UFO News Article:
“UFO Researcher Declares Sightings Are ‘Valid’ ”,
13 April 1975
(The Robesonian, Lumberton, North Carolina)

The Robesonian presents an interview with UFO researcher E. Lee Spiegel regarding the 3-9 April 1975 Eastern North Carolina UFO flap:

The article contains a photo of an alleged UFO landing imprint 
and a sketch by Chief Garry Moore of the White Lake Police 

UFOs were sighted over the counties of Robeson, Hoke, Sampson, Cumberland, Scotland, Bladen and Columbus.

The first UFO sighting was made in Lumberton on the early morning of 3 April.

Other news articles on this UFO flap:

Lumberton, North Carolina” (

Satellite photo of Lumberton, North Carolina (
( photo)