Monday 22 October 2012

UFO News Article:
“Pentagon Claims There Aren't Any Flying Saucers”,
31 March 1966 (Reading Eagle, Pennsylvania)

The article reports on the comments of Defense Secretary Robert S. McNamara and General Earle G. Wheeler, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff:

Quote from the article:
“That’s what Defense Secretary Robert S. McNamara told congressmen Wednesday. Gen. Earle G. Wheeler, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said he agreed. He said all the service chiefs did, too.

Their statements were reported by members of the House Foreign Affairs Committee after McNamara and Wheeler testified in support of President Johnson’s $3.5 billion foreign aid bill.

Despite McNamara’s disclaimers, Rep. James G. Fulton, R-Pa., believes the Air Force’s UFO investigation is ‘like the kid who says he doesn’t believe in ghosts and pulls the covers over his head but still keeps an eye open.’

Fulton said the Air Force and the Pentagon keep explaining away UFO sightings as ‘illusions.’

‘But yet they keep telling us that they are keeping a strong lookout for themselves,’ he added.”

U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara
(21 January 1961 – 29 February 1968)
( photo)