Thursday, 5 April 2012
UFO News Article:
“It's out there: France makes UFO files public”,
22 March 2007 (CBC News, Toronto, Canada)
CBC News informs about the GEIPAN UFO files that were released on 22 March 2007:
GEIPAN (Groupe d’Etudes et d’Informations sur les Phenomenes Aerospatiaux Non identifies) is the UAP (UFO) research and information group within the French National Centre for Spatial Studies (CNES).
“It's out there: France makes UFO files public”,
22 March 2007 (CBC News, Toronto, Canada)
CBC News informs about the GEIPAN UFO files that were released on 22 March 2007:
GEIPAN (Groupe d’Etudes et d’Informations sur les Phenomenes Aerospatiaux Non identifies) is the UAP (UFO) research and information group within the French National Centre for Spatial Studies (CNES).