“General (R) Ricardo Bermúdez: ‘Quisiera tener
una experiencia ufológica, pero no he visto’ ”
(“General (R) Ricardo Bermúdez: ‘I wish I had
a UFO experience, but I have not seen (a UFO)’ ”,
4 February 2010 (El Martutino, Valparaiso, Chile)
El Martutino reports on a 4-5 February 2010 Viña del Mar (Chile) UFO conference:
The CEFAA (Committee for the Study of Anomalous Aerial Phenomena) members General (Ret.) Ricardo Bermúdez and Captain Rodrigo Bravo participated in the conference.
English translation:
Captain Rodrigo Bravo (left), Chilean Army and General (Ret.) Ricardo Bermúdez (second left), Chilean Air Force (elmartutino.cl) (elmartutino.cl photo)