Monday 28 February 2011

UFO News Articles:
“Science: Why the UFOs Won’t Go Away/
Astronomers Pressing for More Study of UFO Riddle”,
4 May 1977

(The Lewiston Daily Sun, Lewiston-Auburn, Maine)

The Lewiston Daily Sun reports on the attitudes of U.S. scientists towards the UFO phenomenon:,378228

Quote from the article:
“Of 1,356 AAS members replying to a questionnaire from Prof. Peter A. Sturrock, an astrophysicist and member of Stanford’s Applied Physics Department, four-fifths feel that the UFO mystery ‘certainly, probably or possibly deserves scientific study.’ ”

NOTE: Both articles can be found on page 6.

Peter A. Sturrock (British citizen),
Professor Emeritus of applied physics
at Stanford University, California &
UFO Researcher