“UFOs Haunt Missile Crew”,
27 June 2001 (Florida Today, Melbourne, Florida)
Billy Cox reports on UFO incidents at U.S. nuclear weapons sites:
Cox interviews Jerome Nelson, former U.S. Air Force First Lieutenant, who was a member of the 579th Strategic Missile Squadron (Walker Air Force Base, Roswell, New Mexico) from 1962 until 1965.
Nelson said at the 27 September 2010 UFO-Nukes Connection Press Conference that the 579th Strategic Missile Squadron, Site 9 experienced several UFO incidents during the winter of 1963/1964.
579th Strategic Missile Squadron, Walker Air Force Base, Roswell, New Mexico:
Atlas F ICBM silo
(atlasmissilesilo.com photo)
Satellite photo of the 579th SMS, Site 9, Walker Air Force Base, Picacho, New Mexico (atlasmissilesilo.com photo)