UFO Sighted by Sixteen Mexico City
Police Officers on 14 February 2000 (Unknown Date)
(Los Grandes Misterios del Tercer Milenio, Mexico)
Gustavo A. Madero Precinct (Mexico City, Mexico) Police Officers Enrique Torres Sedeno and Israel Valdivia Gutierrez sighted a disk shaped UFO over a football (soccer) field in Santo Tomas on 14 February 2000, at around 2:00 a.m.:
The self-luminous UFO measured ten metres in diameter.
Fourteen other Police Officers and newspaper photographer Saul Navarro also sighted the UFO over different parts of Mexico City. And Navarro managed to photograph the UFO. The UFO photo can be seen at 18 seconds into the video.
Inexplicata presents a report on this UFO incident:
“No Trespassing: UFO CE-2's: Incident at Azcapotzalco”,
1 April 2009 (Inexplicata.blogspot.com):
Sector 11 Azcapotzalco