“The Twilight Zone”, 20 October 2008
(3 News, TV 3, New Zealand)
3 News reports on the 30/31 December 1978 Quentin Fogarty UFO TV news report:
http://www.3news.co.nz/The-Kaikoura-UFO-sighting-continues-to-baffle-30-years-on/tabid/367/articleID/76505/Default.aspx (Video)
http://www.3news.co.nz/The-Kaikoura-UFO-sighting-continues-to-baffle-30-years-on/tabid/817/articleID/76505/Default.aspx (News Article)
ufosweden video:
Australian TV news reporter Quentin Fogarty reported on this UFO incident from an Argosy cargo airplane. And Fogarty's cameraman, David Crockett, filmed several UFOs over Kaikoura, New Zealand.