UFO over Niederbayern, Germany
(TRP 1, Passau, Germany)
Thomas Metz managed to film an unknown object over Niederbayern for five seconds:
Metz first saw a flash in the sky before he started to film the object. And he says the object emitted no sound.
Straubing-Wallmuhle Air Traffic Controller Lothar Mai rules out the possibility that the object could be a conventional aircraft. He based it on the object’s speed and the altitude it flew at.
Dr. Thomas Weyer at the German Aerospace Center (Deutsches Zentrum fur Luft- und Raumfahrt) (DLR) says the object was neither a meteorite nor space debris. And other top experts at DLR came to the same conclusion, and said it was an unknown object, according to TRP1.
It’s unknown when the UFO footage was recorded.
Air Traffic Controller,
Straubing-Wallmuhle Airport