Wednesday 14 April 2010

UFO News Article:
“Traffic jams up  UFO causes uproar in Madrid”,
7 September 1968 (The Gazette, Montreal, Canada)

A Spanish Air Force jet fighter pilot chased a UFO that flew over Madrid, Spain at an altitude of 90,000 feet on 5 September 1968. And another jet fighter pilot also sighted the UFO. Furthermore, the UFO was tracked by several Air Force radar stations, according to the news article:,986986

Quote from the article:
“The Spanish Air Force said yesterday an ‘unidentified flying object’ eluded one of its supersonic jet fighter-bombers as a rash of flying saucer reports spread from Latin America to Europe.

Air Force radar screens tracked the UFO and said it was flying at 90,000 feet and moving slowly.

The Madrid weather bureau said it had no lost balloons and offered the theory that the object was part of a space satellite returning to Earth.”

NOTE: The newspaper date is 7 September 1968.

Aerial view of Madrid, Spain (
( photo)