Thursday 29 April 2010

UFO News Article:
“Radar Tracks UFOs Over Forest”,
15 May 1978 (Ocala Star-Banner, Florida)

Three UFOs were sighted over the U.S. Navy’s Pinecastle Electronic Warfare Range in Ocala National Forest, Florida 

on the night of 14 May 1978, according to the article:,4125773

Quote from the article:

“The lights, described as red, white and green and about the size of a star, were sighted about 10 p.m. and tracked for several minutes by radar.

‘All I can tell you from here is what’s in the log,’ said Pinecastle’s Lt. Commander John L. Sullivan.

‘From what I can gather, the radar picked something up and it departed the area very quickly.’ ”

And Master Chief Thomas O’Neal says in the article that the Warfare Range also had a rash of UFO sightings one or two years before the 14 May 1978 UFO incident.

The Pinecastle Electronic Warfare Range can be found at these coordinates (Google Earth):

29°06'57.00" N 81°44'10.00" W

Related article:

“Lights Baffle Witnesses”, 18 May 1978
(Ocala Star-Banner, Florida):,4938875 (Page 1),4990833 (Page 6A)

Pinecastle Bombing Range, Ocala National Forest, Ocala,
Florida ( photo)

Satellite photo of Ocala, Florida (
( photo)