Sunday 25 April 2010

UFO News Article:
“Radar spotted UFOs near
Crawford in January, group says”,
11 July 2008 (Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Texas)

This Fort Worth Star-Telegram news article reports on the MUFON Stephenville UFO radar report:

The Stephenville, Texas mass UFO sighting incident occurred on
8 January 2008.

At one point, the large UFO headed straight towards then U.S. President George W. Bush’s Crawford ranch.

After months of research, the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) issued a report based on Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) radar records.

Quote from the article:
“The authors of the report said they reached conclusions:

* There was definitely a real and physical object that appeared and was witnessed.

* The military did not act overtly to the presence of these objects.

* Military air traffic was unusually heavy and twice veered into civilian airspace.”

I also reported on the Stephenville UFO case on 3 January 2009.

The image shows the radar track of the large UFO which was sighted over Stephenville, Texas on 8 January 2008