Martyn Stubbs (secretnasaman):
“A sequence from NASA mission STS-61, showing UFOs zooming by Hubble spacewalkers on the left and right side of the picture.”
In this video one can see several unknown objects which fly very close to the Hubble Space Telescope (HST).
What’s remarkable is that the NASA officials apparently aren’t concerned about the objects at all. One would expect that if these objects were dangerous pieces of Space debris that they then at least would mention the objects.
Just check what Hubble cost the U.S. taxpayers!!
The most interesting unknown object is seen at 2:23 minutes into the video. An object suddenly appears near the astronaut and flies to the left before it accelerates away:
The NASA STS-61 Space Shuttle Endeavour mission:
Launch date: 2 December 1993 -
Landing date: 13 December 1993.