“Luces No Ceu” (Lights in the Sky)
A UFO was seen flying at high speed over Portugal, with a north to south trajectory. The UFO incident occurred on 1 June 2004, at about 10:30 p.m. The UFO was seen in Guimaraes (north), Guarda, Sintra and Azaruja (south).
The UFO was picked up on radar, according to Paulo Lagarto, Director of the Comunicacao de Navegacao Aerea de Portugal agency (the equivalent of the U.S. FAA) (Video 2) and Carlos Cardoso, a Portuguese Air Force officer (Video 1).
Several civilian witnesses who sighted the UFO are also interviewed in these TV news reports.
This is without a doubt a bona fide UFO incident with solid radar, video footage and multiple witness testimony UFO evidences.
The two TVI news reports contain video footage of the UFO (the first part of video 1 is a report by RTP 1):
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jftyo58bTyk (Video 1)
http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x5yb1l_ovni-portugal-confirmation-radar_tech (Video 2)
RTP is Portugal's state broadcasting corporation.