Friday 25 March 2011

UFO News Article:
“Did Snippy the Horse Lose Fight With Saucer in Colo.?”,
6 October 1967
(The Lewiston Daily Sun, Lewiston-Auburn, Maine)

The Lewiston Daily Sun reports on the mutilation of the horse, Snippy:,4394157

The incident occurred near Alamosa, South Central Colorado (San Luis Valley) in early September 1967.

The real name of the horse was Lady.

Quote from the article:
“Did Snippy, the horse come out second best in a tangle with a flying saucer?

Mr. and Mrs. Berle Lewis, owners of the 3-year-old Appaloosa, whose mutilated – and reportedly radioactive – carcass was found in a remote area of Southern Colorado’s San Luis Valley, declare firmly that’s what happened.”

Wkipedia article: “Cattle Mutilation (The Snippy (Lady) mutilation)”:

Map of Colorado
( image)