Tuesday 21 April 2020

UFO News Article:
“Belgian Air Force checking out UFOs”

13 July 1990
(Bluefield Daily Telegraph, West Virginia)

Source: NewspaperArchive.com

The whole article:
“This country’s [Air Force] has joined scores of Belgians befuddled by hundreds of UFO sightings across night skies in recent months.

In the latest report, two [Air Force] F-16 jet fighters used their radar screens to track an object that, according to a military official, ‘exceeded the limits of conventional aviation.’

Speaking at a news conference Wednesday, Belgian Air Force Col. Wilfried [De] Brouwer said the UFO dived from about 10,000 to 4,000 feet in two seconds. At the same time, it increased its speed from 600 to 1,100 miles an hour.

De Brouwer said the [Air Force] decided to wait before announcing the sighting in the early hours of March 31 [1990] ‘because we wanted to compare the radar sightings by our pilots with observations from radar stations.’ ”

Related posts:


Colonel Wilfried De Brouwer, Belgian Air Force, presents anomalous radar readings at a 1990 press conference
(De Brouwer (retired in 1995) later became a Major General)
(youtube.com image)