Tuesday 9 August 2011

UFO Magazine Article:
“Apresentada comissão oficial para

estudo do Fenômeno UFO na Argentina”
(“Presented official commission to

study the UFO phenomenon in Argentina”),
28 May 2011
(Revista UFO, Campo Grande, Brazil) 

Revista UFO (Brazilian UFO Magazine) reports on the work of the Argentine Air Force’s UFO commission, Comisión de Estudio de Fenómenos Aeroespaciales (CEFAE):


English translation:


(rio54ovni.blogspot.com image)
UFO Magazine Interview:
“A Força Aérea Argentina e Fabio Zerpa”
(“The Argentine Air Force and Fabio Zerpa”),
28 May 2011
(Revista UFO, Campo Grande, Brazil) 

Revista UFO (Brazilian UFO Magazine) presents an interview with the Uruguayan UFO researcher Fabio Zerpa regarding the Argentine Air Force’s UFO commission, Comisión de Estudio de Fenómenos Aeroespaciales (CEFAE):


English translation:


Zerpa currently resides in Argentina.

Fabio Zerpa,
Uruguayan UFO Researcher
(mantra.com.ar photo)

UFO Lecture:
X-Conference 2009:

“The British Military on UFOs - 
Nick Pope with Major Milton Torres

The Paradigm Research Group (PRG), under the leadership of Executive Director Stephen Bassett, held its annual X-Conference at the Hilton Hotel in Gaithersburg, Maryland on 17-19 April 2009:


The Milton John Torres UFO encounter:
U.S. Air Force fighter pilot (then) Lieutenant Milton John Torres was ordered on a mission to intercept and shoot down a very large UFO over East Anglia, UK, on 20 May 1957. As he locked on his weapons, the UFO took off at an unbelievable speed and disappeared. Torres flew an F-86D Sabre jet fighter.

Nick Pope, the former Head of the UK MoD's UFO Office
(1991-1994), UFO Author, Lecturer & Researcher

Major Milton John Torres, U.S. Air Force (Ret.)
(youtube.com image)
UFO Lecture:
Nick Pope: Government and UFOs 

Nick Pope talks about his UFO research work at the UK Ministry of Defence and the current state of UFO research:


Nick Pope, the former Head of the UK MoD's UFO Office
(1991-1994), UFO Author, Lecturer & Researcher