Saturday, 30 October 2010

UFO TV News Report:
2nd Annual BUFORA UFO Congress 1981,
25 May 1981 (ITN News, London, UK)

The UFO congress was held in London, UK, ITN News reports:

( image)

U.S. Government UFO Documents:
“UFO Documents Index”, 15 January 2009
(National Security Agency & Central Security Service,

U.S. Department of Defense, Washington, D.C.)

The NSA web page contains forty-two UFO documents:

( image)

( image)
UFO TV Report:
“Avistamientos en Huasco” (“Sightings in Huasco”),
26 October 2010 (Mucho Gusto, Mega, Santiago, Chile)

Mega reports on a UFO flap in Valle San Felix, Chile: (1) (2) (3)

Valle San Felix is a village in the municipality of Alto del Carmen.

Villagers in Las Breas and Crucecita have also sighted UFOs.

The UFO sightings started on 19 October 2010. UFOs have been sighted both during the daytime and the night-time, according to the video source.

UFO Article:
“Goverment UFO Documents on the Internet”
by Mark Rodeghier 

(J. Allen Hynek Center for UFO Studies, 
Chicago, Illinois)

Dr. Mark Rodeghier, the president and scientific director of The
J. Allen Hynek Center for UFO Studies, reports on the released
CIA, FBI and NSA UFO documents:

Dr. Mark Rodeghier, Astrophysicist, Sociologist,
President & Scientific Director of CUFOS
( photo)
UFO News Article:
“Group sets sights on UFO documents”,
5 November 1981 (The Milwaukee Journal, Wisconsin)

The Milwaukee Journal reports on the FOIA lawsuit by Citizens Against UFO Secrecy (CAUS) against the National Security Agency (NSA):,3103765

CAUS brought legal action against the NSA in an effort to get hold of the agency’s 131 secret UFO documents.

NOTE: The newspaper date is 5 November 1981.

Aerial view of the National Security Agency, Fort Meade, Maryland ( photo)