Sunday 27 June 2010

UFO TV News Magazine Report:
“OVNI: Alerte en Belgique”
(“UFO: Alert in Belgium”)

(30 Histoires Mysterieuses, TF1, France)

TV news magazine report on the 1989-1990 Belgian UFO wave:

TF1 is France’s largest commercial TV channel.

Professor Marc Archeroy, Royal Military School of Belgium
( image)
UFO News Article:
“Another UFO Spotted”,
11 July 1965
(Reading Eagle, Pennsylvania)

News article on a UFO sighting over Santa Maria Airport, Azores, Portugal on 9 July 1965:,4074213

All the electromagnetic watches at the airport stopped at the same time the UFO was observed, according to an airport spokesman.

Santa Maria Airport, Azores, Portugal
( photo)
UFO News Article:
“No enemy contact, but UFO? Maybe …”,
27 June 2010 (The Desert Sun, Palm Springs, California)

In this news article, Major Bob Schneck, U.S. Army Air Corps (Ret.), recounts a UFO sighting over Newfoundland, Canada, in July 1955:

Then First Lieutenant Schneck was flying one of the two KC-97 tankers that had just finished refuelling B-47 bombers bound for England, when he sighted the UFO.

Boeing KC-97G Stratofreighter (
( photo)
UFO TV Footage:
UFO Filmed during Live TV Interview, UK, 2006

(Unknown TV Channel)

The unknown object was filmed during an interview with the UK Constitutional Affairs Minister Harriet Harman MP in London, UK:

Large video: